Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project

The projetc is to finance the construction of new EU standards-compliant sanitary landfills, waste sorting plants, waste transfer stations and the supply of special equipment and vehicles. The Project is expected to bring significant health and environmental benefits and result in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings.

Semey Solid Waste Management

The project will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase waste recycling and recovery rates and improve environmental, health and safety standards. It will support the commercialisation, sustainability and better quality of SWM services. It will also facilitate private sector involvement with improved governance and contractual arrangements between service providers and the city akimat.
It will include: (i) the construction of an EU standards compliant sanitary landfill and (ii) the construction of a biological solid waste treatment facility at the new sanitary landfill site.

Syrdarya Power Project

will finance the development, construction and operation of 1,500MW combined-cycle gas-fired power plant in the Syrdarya region of Uzbekistan. It will promote private sector participation in the energy market and strengthen the country’s generation fleet with a more efficient and reliable capacity. The Project is expected to lead to an estimated total system-wide savings of 2,611,000 tonnes of CO2 via the 1,539,000 tonnes CO2 savings due to decommissioning of inefficient units and further 1,072,000 tonnes of CO2 savings from the improved efficiency and reduced carbon intensity of the new plant.

Climate Resilient Water Services Project

The project development objective is to (i) increase access to climate resilient water services in selected river basins, and (ii) strengthen institutional capacities for climate resilient water management at local and national levels.The project will improve the coverage and quality of water supply, sanitation, and irrigation services, and strengthen capacity for improved integrated water resources management and of relevant service providers in selected river basins. At national level the project will increase institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management. With regards to the first part of the PDO, climate resilient water services are defined as water services that achieve coverage and quality standards despite possible climate risks (droughts, high temperature and extreme heat, urban looding and sewerage overflows, floods and mudflows). With regards to the second part of the PDO, climate-resilient water management is defined as the ability of water sector institutions at the local and national levels to prepare for disruptions and recover from shocks related to climate risks.

Strengthening Water and Irrigation Management

The project development objective is to: (i) strengthen capacity for water resources planning and irrigation management in Tajikistan and (ii) improve performance of selected irrigation schemes in the Vakhsh and Zarafshon river basins.The project will accelerate national water reforms, improve water resource management, and contribute to improving rural livelihoods and food security.
The project has four components: (i) Water sector reform and institutional strengthening, (ii) Irrigation scheme improvements, (iii) Project management; and (iv) Contingent Emergency Response Component.

Water Supply and Sanitation Investment

The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to safely managed water supply services in selected districts; and to s trengthen the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector for improved service delivery.
The aim of the project is to provide essential water supply services in the selected rural and peri-urban areas of south-western Khatlon region, considering the expected impacts of changes in precipitation patterns and other relevant climate factors on the targeted project areas. In this way, the project intends to make the targeted communities more resilient to the climate change-exacerbated risk of floods, droughts, and rising temperatures.
The project consists of four components: Component 1 will finance a range of activities targeting
ISCB of water sector institutions at national, regional, and local levels to ensure sustainable service provision in the project area. Component 2 will finance implementation of WSS infrastructure solutions that will be simple and robust, include climate resilience measures, and will be structured along two parts: Subcomponent 2A will support water infrastructure investments and Subcomponent 2B will target upgrade of WASH facilities in social institutions. Component 3 will support project management and Monitoring, and Component 4 is a CERC. The components are designed to maximize climate change adaptation measures.

Preparedness and Resilience to Disasters

Disaster recovery will pursue the urgent reconstruction of priority roads and bridges in Khatlon damaged during the May-July 2021 floods and mudflows, which the GoRT has not been able to finance out of its own resources. These will re-establish resilient local and regional connectivity and access to markets and services and be rehabilitated using climate- and disaster-resilient designs, materials and works.

Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan

The development objective is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector.The project has three components: (a) clean energy investments in public buildings, (b) TA to enhance the enabling environment for EE investments, support market development, and provide project implementation
support, and (c) the Contingent Emergency and Response Component (CERC) component.

Delivering a Climate Change Strategy for Central and West Asia

This knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the delivery of a Climate Change Strategy and an Action Plan for Central and West Asia to strengthen integration of climate change considerations in Asian Development Banks (ADB) financed interventions in the developing member countries (DMCs) of the region. It will prepare robust climate mitigation and adaptation pipelines aligned with the Paris Agreement and responsive to DMCs climate change priorities. The TA will support interventions on departmental, sectoral and country levels with key activities including development of a regional strategy, upstream climate assessments, climate pipeline development, government dialogues and capacity building.

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