Environmental Remediation Account for Central Asia (ERA)

Improve safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the management and remediation of the uranium legacy sites through protection against radiation, exposure for the population, improving the nuclear safety situation of uranium legacy site, and creating an adequate funding structure. The ERA is meant to fund environmental rehabilitation projects in Central Asian recipient countries and help in creating an environment in which these projects can be efficiently implemented.

Stakeholder Engagement for Uranium Legacy Remediation in Central Asia

Engage stakeholders in remediation efforts to obtain their support for the remediation works, through involvement and informing of stakeholders concerning uranium legacy sites remediation in order to clearly demonstrate the benefits for the population involved as well as to inform about the positive impact on public health and the environment.

Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project

Facilitate sustainable and climate-resilient investments for increased water, energy and food security in Central Asia, through creating a multisectoral enabling environment

Preparation of a biodiversity conservation strategic approach Asia: Central Asia component

Identify the principal threats to biodiversity in Central Asia and the most appropriate responses from the EU. Building on lessons learned from past and current activities, and taking due account of the urgencies, the study proposed a coherent strategic approach outlining a suite of interventions that enable EU, as well as other donors which could adhere to it, through pragmatic well-targeted activities, to engage in effective, well-articulated and complementary interventions for biodiversity conservation

Bishkek Solid Waste Project I

Support the city of Bishkek in expanding and improving its solid waste disposal infrastructure. Solid waste management is sub-standard in the Kyrgyz Republic, risking ground water contamination as leachate trickles through unlined dumpsites, leading to vector-borne and respiratory diseases.

Osh and Jalalabad Solid Waste Projects

Modernize solid waste management (landfills, collection, and transportation) in Osh and Jalalabad, and their neighbouring municipalities. + technical assistance

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