Project Description

Promote SCP practices in the agri-food production and processing industries along the entire supply chain, while creating an enabling environment through clusters and by building on current national development strategies, integrating SCP incentives. The SCP practices will focus on resource-efficiency in agri-food production and processing and apply approaches for dealing with resource shortfalls. This will cover increasing the efficiency of water usage, reduction of food-losses and decreasing other energy and resource inefficiency. The process of clusterization will seek to enhance the competitiveness of local businesses.

The Objectives
The action seeks to improve sustainability in the agri-food production and processing industries in two ways:

● Targeting fast, cost-efficient SCP measures, showcasing the business case of such measures and creating a win-win mind-set in MSMEs;
● Building MSMEs capacity to deal innovatively with challenges in natural resource shortages and creating ecosystems for SCP and supply-chain integration.

Project Information

Targeting Countries




Implementing Agency



Budget (Euro)


Start Date:


// End Date:



MSMEs in the agri-food production and processing industries Local business consultants National and international financing institutions Ministries, executive agencies and local authorities Industry clusters & associations for agri-food production and processing

Contact Person

Ludmilla Kiktenko, Environment Management Programme Manager, The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) 40, Orbita-1, A15D5B3 Almaty Republic of Kazakhstan Tel: +7727 265 4333; 265 4334 (ext.107) Mob: +7701 762 9319 E:

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