Best Available Techniques (BAT) Handbooks

According to the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 1 January 2025, Category I facilities are required to obtain comprehensive environmental permits (CEPs) based on the application of BAT and compliance of facilities with the emission levels specified in BAT reference documents.

When implementing BAT, industry is exempted from paying environmental tax payments on emissions, and for enterprises that do not switch to CEP, environmental payments will be gradually increased by 2, 4 and 8 times.

In this regard, the Centre is developing BAT reference documents. BAT Handbooks developed in the period from 2021 to 2023 fully cover the activities of large enterprises included in the TOP-50

Reference books on BAT, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Production of inorganic chemicals
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RD RK) No. 821 of September 21, 2023
Cement and lime production
PP RK No. 941 of 10.24.2023
Zinc and cadmium production
PP RK No. 921 of 19.10.2023
Oil and gas processing
PP RK No. 1024 dated 11/23/2023
Lead production
PP RK No. 998 dated 11.11.2023
Production of copper and precious metal – gold
PP RK No. 999 dated 11.11.2023
Combustion of fuel in large installations for the purpose of energy production
PP RK No. 23 of 23.01.2024
Energy efficiency in the implementation of economic and (or) other activities
PP RK No. 24 of 23.01.2024
Extraction and enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores (including precious metals)
PP RK No. 1101 of 08.12.2023
Extraction and enrichment of iron ores (including other ferrous ores)
PP RK No. 1251 of 12/29/2023
Production of ferroalloys
PP RK No. 1203 of 12/27/2023
Oil and gas production
PP RK No. 1202 of 27.12.2023
Iron and steel production
PP RK No. 1199 of 12/27/2023
Production of products for further processing of ferrous metals
PP RK No. 1252 of 12/29/2023
Coal mining and beneficiation
PP RK No. 1201 of 12/27/2023
Aluminum production
PP RK No. 1200 dated 12/27/2023
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