The publication “Discourses and Strategies for Solving Environmental Issues in Central Asia ” was developed by Muslimbek Buriev on the basis of the IWPR Representative Office in Central Asia and the regional analytical platform
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Buriev M., 2020, Discourses and Strategies for Solving Environmental Issues in Central Asia,,
The representative office of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in Central Asia and present an analytical note entitled “Discourses and Strategies for Solving Environmental Issues in Central Asia”. This work is an effort to outline the most significant environmental issues in the region and to analyze measures to solve them. In addition, it attempts to highlight cases of successful practice as well as to identify existing programs with significant shortcomings.
The work is meant for young experts and consultants, researchers, decision-makers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in environmental issues and governance in Central Asia.
Read more about “Discourses and Strategies for Solving Environmental Issues in Central Asia”:
Financial support from the Government of Norway made this publication possible. The opinions expressed in the work do not reflect the official position of the government of Norway