Question 1.3.1a: Are extractive companies required to prepare an EIA and/or SIA prior to development?,
1.4.7c: Are there rules that govern how the proceeds from the sale of the SOE’s production should be transferred to the government?,
1.1.5c: Following the licensing process, is the licensing authority required to publicly disclose the list of areas or blocks allocated?,
1.2.5c: Do rules specify the level of state equity (or options for state equity such as carried interest) in extractive companies ?,
2.2b: Are there specific rules governing the transfer of extractive resource revenues (i.e. are these rules distinct from those governing other types of transfers)?,
1.1.5b: Following each licensing process, is the licensing authority required to publicly disclose the identity of the winning bidder or applicant?,
1.1.7b: Do rules require public disclosure of beneficial owners of extractive companies?,
1.4.3c: Is the SOE required to submit annual reports to the legislature on its commercial, non-commercial (i.e. regulatory) and non-operational activities (i.e. activities not related to resource extraction)?