Question 1.1.9a: Is the government required to publicly disclose all signed licenses/contracts with extractive companies?,
1.1.8b: From 2015 onwards, have the beneficial owners of extractive companies been disclosed?,
1.1.8a: From 2015 onwards, have senior public officials publicly disclosed their financial holdings in extractive companies?,
1.2.5c: Do rules specify the level of state equity (or options for state equity such as carried interest) in extractive companies ?,
1.4a: What proportion of equity shares does the government own in extractive companies?,
1.1.7b: Do rules require public disclosure of beneficial owners of extractive companies?,
1.4c: What is the name of the largest company in which the government has a controlling share (i.e. an SOE)?,
1.1.7a: Are senior public officials required to publicly disclose their financial holdings in extractive companies?,
1.3.7b: Are there specific procedures governing the resettlement of land users when project development interferes with their access to or use of land?,
1.3.2a: From 2015 onwards, have EIAs and/or SIAs been publicly disclosed?