Contributions of civil society organizations to nature conservation
and sustainable development
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund ( is a joint initiative of the French development agency, Conservation International, the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan and the World Bank. CEPF plays a unique role in wildlife conservation by supporting the efforts of local and inter-national partners from non-governmental, community and scientific and educational organizations working in places of unique biodiversity at risk of extinction.
CEPF started its work in the Mountains of Central Asia in 2016 with the preparation of an ecosystem profile jointly with Zoï Environment Network, and launched a grants program for civil society organizations (CSOs) in 2019. This illustrated report summarizes the selected results of the CEPF grant program in the Mountains of Central Asia over five years and the contribution of CSOs to conservation and biodiversity goals in collab-oration with governmental agencies. More information on grants and project results is available on the CEPF ( and grantee websites.

Concept: Viktor Novikov and Firuza Illarionova
Contributors: Otto Simonett, Kanybek Isabaev, Alexandra Zaslavskaya, Elena Kalenova, Lizza Protas,
Dan Rothberg, Geoff Hughes
Illustrations and layout: Alexandra Povarich and Dina Adylova
© Zoï Environment Network and CEPF, July 2024

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