Training course on rational use of water resources, safety of hydraulic structures and transboundary water cooperation

The course provides information on the current state of water resources in Turkmenistan, their rational use and protection, in the context of climate change. A separate section provides information on transboundary water cooperation, the concept and legislative basis of “Integrated Water Resources Management”, water resources management according to the basin principle, as well as the principles and instruments of international legal cooperation in the field of water resources management of transboundary watercourses. The course also includes a separate section on the safety of hydraulic structures during their design, construction and operation.

The training course is intended for young teachers and students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, where there are departments teaching such disciplines as: Hydraulic structures, Organization and technology of irrigation and drainage works, Pumps and pumping stations, Operation of irrigation and drainage systems, Integrated use of water resources, Water diplomacy and law, as well as for specialists working in the field of use and protection of water resources.

The training course was developed within the framework of the USAID Regional Water and Environment Project, implemented in Turkmenistan by the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) in cooperation with TetraTech ARD.

Curriculum (content, lectures)

Course presentations (in Russian and Turkmen):

Thematic cases on water diplomacy

1)  Contents of the training course on “Rational use of water resources, safety of hydraulic structures and transboundary water cooperation”

2)  “Water diplomacy and international water law”. Thematic case 1

3)  “Water diplomacy and international water law”. Thematic case 2

4) Cooperation of Turkmenistan on the use of waters of the transboundary river Tejen (Harirud) on the example of the construction of the reservoir “Dostluk”

Thematic cases on the safety of hydraulic structures

1)  Thematic case 1. “Basic concepts of hydraulic structures safety, causes of accidents, hazard categories and basic requirements for ensuring safety”

2)  Thematic case 2. Topic: “Safety indicators of hydraulic structures, possible destruction and prevention of emergency situations”

3)  Thematic case 3. Topic: “Ensuring safety during the development of projects, construction and operation of hydraulic structures (HS)”

Thematic cases on rational use of water resources (adapted for Turkmenistan)

1)  Thematic case 1. “Water resources, goals and objectives of Turkmenistan in the field of water management in the context of climate change”

2)  Thematic case 2. Authorized state bodies in the field of use and protection of water resources in Turkmenistan and issues of integrated water resources management (IWRM)

3)  Thematic case 3.

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