The curriculum includes the basic concepts related to the discipline Water Resources. The content of the curriculum for studying the discipline Water Resources meets modern requirements. The sections included in the curriculum are planned to be described in accordance with the Water Code of Turkmenistan, the main directions of development of the agricultural and water sector set out in the Program “Revival of a New Era of a Sovereign State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052”, the Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan, the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025, as well as in accordance with the decisions of the President of Turkmenistan on improving science and education in our country.
The curriculum is intended for students of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, students of higher educational institutions majoring in “Hydromelioration” and for civil servants working and improving their qualifications in the field of agriculture and water management.
Practical tasks and tests:
Course presentations (in Russian and Turkmen):
Thematic cases on water diplomacy
2) “Water diplomacy and international water law”. Thematic case 1
3) “Water diplomacy and international water law”. Thematic case 2
4) Cooperation of Turkmenistan on the use of waters of the transboundary river Tejen (Harirud) on the example of the construction of the reservoir “Dostluk”
Thematic cases on the safety of hydraulic structures
Thematic cases on rational use of water resources (adapted for Turkmenistan)
Video lectures:
Lecture 1. Water as the basis of natural life and socio-economic development
Lecture 2. Water resources management based on the “Principle of integrated water resources management”
Lecture 3. International legal regulation of water resources in the world and Central Asia
Lecture 4. Strategic goals and objectives of Turkmenistan in the field of ensuring the country’s water balance
Lecture 5. National projects in the field of water resources and their national economic significance
Lecture 6. Legal basis for regulating water use relations
Lecture 7. The role of local executive authorities and local self-government in increasing the efficiency of water resources use and operation of water infrastructure facilities, taking into account modern world experience in the development of science and technology
Lecture 8. Issues of stimulating water consumption savings, as well as payment for water use
Lecture 9. Environmental safety and protection of water bodies from pollution, contamination and depletion
Lecture 10. Integrated Water Resources Management Approaches and the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus