Their commissioning will enable the production of 6.9 billion cubic meters of commercial gas per year and increase the efficiency of the Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power station to 1050 MW.

Hydroelectric power station
Illustrative photo: © Servia

The Majilis ratified the agreement between the governments of Kazakhstan and Qatar on the establishment of a long-term strategic partnership for the development of projects in priority sectors, concluded in Doha on March 20, 2024. This was announced by the Minister of National Economy Nurlan Baibazarov at a meeting of the Majilis of Parliament on September 11.

According to the minister, the main goal of the document is the implementation of joint projects in telecommunications, finance, energy, petrochemical and other areas. This will help attract additional investment, improve infrastructure, introduce modern technologies and create jobs.
In total, the Qataris are implementing nine investment projects in Kazakhstan. Among them are the construction of three gas processing plants, the second line of the Beineu  –  Bozoi  –  Shymkent main gas pipeline, the new compressor station “KS-14” and the main gas pipeline “KS-14 – Kostanay”,

— The implementation of the projects is aimed at the rational use of the resource base of the Kashagan field, as well as increasing the production of commercial gas to cover the country’s domestic needs. The commissioning of gas processing plants will make it possible to produce 6.9 billion cubic meters of commercial gas per year, 410 thousand tons of liquefied petroleum gas, 60 thousand tons of gas condensate and 777 thousand tons of sulfur, — the minister said.

The agreement with Qatar also includes the construction of a power plant based on a combined-cycle plant in the Kyzylorda region and a hydroelectric power station on the Irtysh River.

As the minister specified, the project to build a hydroelectric power station on the Irtysh River with a capacity of up to 350 MW will increase the efficiency of the Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power station to 1050 MW, as well as eliminate possible floods in the winter.

— In general, the agreement ensures a permanent tax regime for Qatari investments, as well as protection of Qatari investments in Kazakhstan. The draft law does not entail negative socio-economic and legal consequences, — assured Baibazarov.

Earlier, Qatari Lesha Bank bought Bereke Bank from Baiterek National Managing Holding. The agreement was reached on March 31, 2024. The deal amounted to 65 billion tenge. Another Qatari holding, Power International Holding, will buy Mobile Telecom Service for $1 billion. It was also reported that the government of Kazakhstan approved the alienation of shares of ATMA — Atyrau Airport and Transportation JSC in favor of a Qatari company. QazAir Investments LLC, registered in Qatar, is going to build a new airport complex in Atyrau, and they plan to attract $50 million for these purposes.

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