To conduct an inventory of trees in Tashkent and create an electronic database, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change is organizing training courses as part of the “Tree Registry” project.

Candidates aged 20 to 30 with basic ecological knowledge and skills in forestry (dendrology) are invited to enroll in the courses and subsequently participate in the tree inventory. Admission will be granted after an interview.

A total of 120 candidates will be selected for the project, which aims to register the trees in the capital.

The training course covers the following topics:
—Extension of dendrological knowledge
—Proper tree care
—Prevention of tree diseases
—Study of irrigation systems
—Enhancement of general environmental knowledge
—Use of geodetic and GNSS devices

The course duration is one month.
Graduates who excel in the course will be contracted to participate in mapping trees in Tashkent using GNSS devices. They will receive monthly salaries according to the established procedure. The project will last for two years. Upon completion of the project, participants will receive a certificate and assistance in finding employment with environmental organizations.

To participate in the project and for more information, please call (94) 992-24-14 or send your details to
Applications are accepted from February 12 to February 20.

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