The Community of Practice platform offers everyone to take online courses and trainings to improve their qualifications and professional skills. List of main courses:

  • Academic writing course on the study of the Nexus approach “Water-energy-food-ecosystems” (with the possibility of obtaining a certificate). This course provides an overview of the necessary methodological knowledge and tools for choosing a research journal and the publication preparation process. The course is intended for scientists specializing in the study of interactions of natural ecosystems, issues of their management, conservation and development of sustainable socio-economic approaches to their use (WEF Nexus). After completing the course, students will gain a holistic understanding of the principles and standards of research publication and the successive stages in the preparation of a scientific article for peer-reviewed journals in the field of WEF Nexus.
  • Training course “Water resources”. The training course is intended for students of the Academy for Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, students of higher educational institutions specializing in “Hydro-melioration” and for civil servants working and improving their skills in the field of agriculture and water management.
  • The textbook “Nexus of water-energy-food and ecosystems”. This manual focuses on the relationship between water, energy, food and ecosystems, an area of multidisciplinary knowledge that considers water management as an element of managing a set of key resources, which, along with water, are energy, food and ecosystems.
  • Training course “Integrated Water Resources Management Tools with modeling”. This course is aimed at familiarizing students with integrated water resources management (IWRM) tools and practical techniques in hydrological, agrological and water-energy modeling for Central Asian countries. The presented training course is necessary for more successful mastering of disciplines related to the practical application of IWRM tools and modeling skills.
  • A training module on the Nexus approach (adapted for Central Asia). These training materials contribute to the wider application of the “water-energy-food” approach in planning, policy development and implementation in Central Asian countries.
  • Training course “Rational use of water resources”. The purpose of the training course is to provide undergraduates with conceptual professional and scientific knowledge (including innovative ones) and experience in the field of rational use of water resources based on equal and equitable water allocation and protection of transboundary watercourses in the Central Asian region.

In addition to the above, the platform is regularly updated with other courses and training materials on climate change, sustainable development, WEAP/LEAP models, etc. You can also offer your training materials for publication by e-mail

The Community of Practice platform is a communication and outreach platform for bringing together representatives of educational institutions, research institutions, government agencies, international organizations, youth and other stakeholders. The platform was created in 2022 by USAID WAVE in collaboration with CAREC on the basis of the Eurasian River Basin Portal (


Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Programme’s Manager, CAREC,

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