The Cabinet of Ministers intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use

“We must introduce new tools into our statistical system, one of which is the accounting of natural and climatic resources,” said today, August 19, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Akylbek Japarov, during a staff meeting with employees of the Presidential Administration.

In his opinion, the introduction of natural and climatic tools into the statistical system will allow us to obtain a complete picture of the state of natural resources.

“For example, Kyrgyzstan’s water resources are a strategic asset, on which not only the well-being of our country depends, but also that of neighboring states downstream. Accurate accounting of water reserves, the dynamics of its use and climate change will allow us to more effectively manage this most important resource, prevent possible crises and plan long-term strategies,” the head of the Cabinet explained.

As he said, in this way it is possible to foresee in advance possible risks associated with climate change and take measures to minimize them.

“We need to ensure not only the collection of data, but also its accurate analysis, the use of advanced technologies and methods that will allow us to obtain an objective picture of the state of all natural resources,” added A. Zhaparov.

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