On September 18, a press conference entitled “The performance of the Ministry of Ecology in the field: achieved results and plans for the future, as well as prospects for the development of environmental education” was held in the AIMC building. During the event, achievements in several areas of work for the first six months of 2024 were announced.

Here is a short list of them. As part of the nationwide project “Yashil Makon” (“Green Space”), 138 million trees were planted in the spring of 2024. The Ministry and local governments in the regions created 257 “green parks”, which almost doubled their total number. It was also reported that the “My Garden” project was launched through the open budget system. Of the 738 projects developed by citizens, 215 were recognized as winners, receiving a total funding of 48.7 billion soums.

Among the measures to protect and monitor atmospheric air, 11,296 objects that have an impact on the environment were subjected to state environmental assessment. Dust and gas collection equipment was installed and modernized at 52 large industrial enterprises.

The state forestry department has planted forests on 220 thousand hectares. In particular, afforestation and reforestation activities have been carried out on 215 thousand hectares of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea and in the Aral Sea region, and on 2 thousand hectares in mountainous and foothill areas.

In order to prevent desertification and sand migration, water and soil erosion in desert, mountain and foothill areas, protective forest plantations have been created on an area of ​​140 hectares.

In the course of measures to protect water and land resources, as well as subsoil and groundwater, local treatment facilities were reconstructed or built anew at 37 enterprises. Together with the Prosecutor General’s Office, measures were taken against 44 enterprises discharging pollutants into the capital’s Salar, Bektemir and Bozsuv water channels, 12 enterprises were disconnected from the sewerage network.

In the process of improving and streamlining waste recycling, 26 of the 209 existing landfills for household waste were closed as not meeting sanitary-epidemiological and environmental requirements and exceeding their resources. 183 landfills for household waste and 8 landfills for toxic chemical waste were transferred to the balance of the Directorate for Waste Landfill Management.

As part of the green space inventory measures, the coordinates of 254.1 million trees were determined using satellite images and a digital map of green spaces was created. Passports for more than 553.1 thousand trees were created and digitized. Together with the Academy of Sciences, an interdepartmental system for electronic information exchange was launched to determine the annual number of wild animals migrating through border areas with neighboring republics, and a list of these animal species was compiled.

In the process of environmental control, 33,378 persons who violated the requirements of environmental protection legislation were identified. In accordance with the law, violators were assigned 35.5 billion sums in administrative fines and compensation for damage to nature. Of these, 28.5 billion sums were collected.

In the field of environmental education, 10 scientific, 12 practical and 3 innovative projects have been implemented. Based on the results of scientific research work, 6 monographs and 59 articles have been published (including 17 in foreign publications).

As part of measures to improve the work of hydrometeorological services, 20 hydrological posts have been equipped with modern automatic water measuring equipment.

Together with the International Public Foundation “Zamin”, 16 new automatic stations have been installed in the administrative centers of Andijan, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Tashkent and Fergana regions, as well as in the city of Tashkent, which transmit reliable information to the website monitoring.meteo.uz every 10 minutes.

Министерство экологии Узбекистана объявило о результатах работы за первое полугодие 2024 года

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