The TajCN Climate Network Roundtable “Climate Dialogues” gathered representatives of environmental, youth and women’s civil society organizations from Dushanbe last Thursday to discuss the main areas of current climate activities and policies on climate change.
Among the topics discussed this time were the processes of developing the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and the participation of representatives of public organizations of Tajikistan at the COP29 Climate Summit, which will be held in Baku in November this year. Among the speakers who presented information were Manzura Bakhdavlatova, UNDP project manager for the development of the NAP, Firuz Saidov, national climate expert, and Zebuniso Muminzoda, director of the Tajik Branch of the REC.

Participants discussed climate change activities, the nature and possibilities of involving civil society organizations in the climate agenda at the national level.
In general, the country faces a large amount of work not only on activities to combat climate change, but also a large amount of reporting to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. More active participation of civil society organizations in the climate agenda would serve to increase the effectiveness and transparency of climate activities in Tajikistan.

New members of the Network Council were also elected at the meeting, including Alla Kuvatova (NGO “Gender and Development”), Farukh Kasymov (Association of Renewable Energy Sources), they will join the current members of the Network Council Rahmonberdieva Nodira, Latifi Alikhon, Sadykovo Sulkhiya and Partoev Kurbonali.

The next meeting of TajCN will be held in December 2024

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