Agricultural total factor productivity growth indices for geographic regions, 1961-2016

The spreadsheets available below for downloading contain annual agricultural TFP indexes for individual countries, major global regions, and for countries grouped by income levels. The files also contain the input and output data used in the construction of the TFP indexes. See the “Explanation” tab in each workbook for a detailed description of the content.

Agricultural total factor productivity growth indices for individual countries, 1961-2016

The spreadsheets available for downloading contain annual agricultural TFP indexes for individual countries, major global regions, and for countries grouped by income levels. The files also contain the input and output data used in the construction of the TFP indexes. See the “Explanation” tab in each workbook for a detailed description of the content.

Agricultural mechanization in Central Asia : responding to new realities

The benefits of agricultural sector reform in Central Asia have yet to extend to farm mechanization. Fifteen years after reform began, most producers are still either using dilapidated, obsolete, Soviet-era machinery for crop production and harvesting; or have reverted to animal traction and manual cultivation. And as machinery replacement has been minimal, the machinery park …

Agricultural mechanization in Central Asia : responding to new realities Read More »

Agricultural mechanization in Central Asia : responding to new realities

The benefits of agricultural sector reform in Central Asia have yet to extend to farm mechanization. Fifteen years after reform began, most producers are still either using dilapidated, obsolete, Soviet-era machinery for crop production and harvesting; or have reverted to animal traction and manual cultivation. And as machinery replacement has been minimal, the machinery park …

Agricultural mechanization in Central Asia : responding to new realities Read More »

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