Transforming Land Management Globally

The GEF Land Degradation Focal Area provides the framework for eligible countries1 to utilize GEF resources for implementing the UNCCD. Through the focal area, the GEF provides incremental financing for countries to invest in sustainable land management (SLM) activities that generate multiple environmental and development benefits.

CACILM: Achieving Ecosystem Stability on the Exposed Aral Seabed and the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan – under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1

The project development goal is to achieve ecosystem stability on the exposed Aral seabed and the Kyzylkum Desert, in Uzbekistan. It will achieve this by supporting fully and directly the objective of GEF OP#15 namely, to mitigate the causes and negative impacts of land degradation on the structure and functional integrity of ecosystems through sustainable …

CACILM: Achieving Ecosystem Stability on the Exposed Aral Seabed and the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan – under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 Read More »

A Global Initiative on Landscapes for People, Food and Nature

Project Objective: to promote and support the broader adoption and more effective use of landscape-level sustainable land management (L-SLM; see Figure 1) as an integrated approach to managing agricultural landscapes that addresses the full set of needs from the rural land base—including sustainable, climate-resilient production of food and fiber (from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries), watershed …

A Global Initiative on Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Read More »

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