Impact of agricultural land use in Central Asia: a review

Central Asia is geopolitically and strategically important because of its geographic position. The Central Asian states Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are situated in the heart of the Eurasian continent and form a trade link between China, the Middle East, and Europe. Upon entering into membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, this region has …

Impact of agricultural land use in Central Asia: a review Read More »

SoilGrids (ISRIC)

SoilGrids is designed as a globally consistent, data-driven system that predicts soil properties and classes using global covariates and globally fitted models. If you are looking for soil information on national and/or local levels we advise you, before using SoilGrids, to compare SoilGrids predictions with soil maps derived from national and local soil geographical databases. …

SoilGrids (ISRIC) Read More »

Caspian Sea countries take stock and lay out new ambitions to tackle environmental challenges

The ’Caspian Sea State of the Environment Report’ presents a sober diagnosis of the challenges faced by the Sea and its marine environment. The report is the second in a row of analytical overviews underlying the implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention). The …

Caspian Sea countries take stock and lay out new ambitions to tackle environmental challenges Read More »

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Dryland Sustainable Landscapes

Under the 7th GEF replenishment, GEF-7, Impact Programs (IPs) on Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR); Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); and Sustainable Cities are being developed to address the drivers of environmental degradation, and to support transformational change in these key systems.

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Amazon Sustainable Landscapes

Under the 7th GEF replenishment, GEF-7, Impact Programs (IPs) on Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR); Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); and Sustainable Cities are being developed to address the drivers of environmental degradation, and to support transformational change in these key systems.

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