CAWEP annual report 2022-2023

© 2023 Всемирный банк 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Телефон: +1 (202) 473-1000 Веб-сайт: Рабочая группа Водно-энергетической программы для Центральной Азии (CAWEP) 2022–2023 Уильям Янг, менеджер программы CAWEP Азад Абдулхамид, руководитель компонента «Водная безопасность» Мануэль Берленджеро, руководитель компонента «Энергетическая безопасность» Джейн Ольга Эбингер, руководитель компонента «Водно-энергетические связи» Тогжан Алибекова, координатор программы Динара …

CAWEP annual report 2022-2023 Read More »

2023 World Air Quality Report

About this report The 2023 World Air Quality Report provides a global review of air quality data for the year 2023. The report summarizes PM2.5 air quality data from 7,812 cities spanning 134 countries, regions, and territories. The data utilized to create this report was aggregated from more than 30,000 air quality monitoring stations operated …

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Central and South Asia the regions with the worst air quality in the world

All but one of the 100 cities with the world’s worst air pollution last year were in Asia, according to an IQAir report, reports. The vast majority of these cities – 83 – are in India, and all exceed World Health Organization air quality standards by more than 10 times, according to a report by IQAir, …

Central and South Asia the regions with the worst air quality in the world Read More »

Seminar “Strengthening the cooperation of the Agency for Hydrometeorology with interested parties” was held in Tajikistan

The organizer is the project: “Water Resources Management in the Panj River basin (additional financing)”. The purpose of the seminar is to present the results of the project and a survey among stakeholders on the services of the Agency for Hydrometeorology. The seminar was opened by the deputy Director of the Agency Sheralizoda N.S., who …

Seminar “Strengthening the cooperation of the Agency for Hydrometeorology with interested parties” was held in Tajikistan Read More »

Regional training “Climate change and sustainable development in Central Asia”, was held in Uzbekistan

During this event, the focus was on the effects of climate change at the regional level, a review of the assessment of vulnerability to climate risks and their impact at the community level in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, sustainable agricultural practices, rural development and community sustainability, effective use and management of water resources at the …

Regional training “Climate change and sustainable development in Central Asia”, was held in Uzbekistan Read More »

International Mother Earth Day. 5 Facts Mother Earth in Central Asia

The world celebrates International Mother Earth Day on 22 April. It reminds us that the healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet – and its people. 5 Facts Mother Earth in Central Asia  1 Altyn-Emel singing dune in Kazakhstan. It is located in the State National Natural Park “Altyn-Emel”. Scientists explain the singing of the dune …

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European Union Festival and Exhibition, 18 May 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

This year’s exhibition is timed to coincide with the celebration of 30 years of partnership between the European Union and Uzbekistan. This event is a key event for presenting the results of EU-funded projects, as well as for exchanging experiences and ideas between representatives of EU Member States, partners and stakeholders

CAREC will participate in the European Union Festival and Exhibition to be held on 18 May 2024, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The REAP project team has been invited to participate in the European Union Festival and Exhibition to be held on 18 May 2024, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This year’s exhibition is timed to coincide with the celebration of 30 years of partnership between the European Union and Uzbekistan. This event is a key event for presenting …

CAREC will participate in the European Union Festival and Exhibition to be held on 18 May 2024, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Read More »

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan will hold a round table on environmental problems of the Caspian Sea

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov reported at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the work to develop interaction between Turkmenistan and foreign partners in the field of ecology, carried out for the practical implementation of important international initiatives of the head of state, TDH reports. Based on the country’s …

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan will hold a round table on environmental problems of the Caspian Sea Read More »

SDC Working Visit to CAREC

The new Head of the Central and North Asia Section at the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Thierry Umbehr, and Regional Water and Climate Change Advisor of Switzerland in Central Asia, Lisa Gampp, made a working visit to the Reginal Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in Almaty on 15 April. The …

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