An innovative approach for the sustainable and wise use of Ramsar/potentially Ramsar sites in Central Asia through partnerships and collaborations

This is a national report on the innovative approach for sustainable use of the Ramsar /Potentially Ramsar in Central Asia through partnership and cooperation specifically in the territory of Uzbekistan. Within the article are mentioned 5 main problems that must addressed to help the situation of the ecosystem in Uzbekistan: the adaptation of the legal …

An innovative approach for the sustainable and wise use of Ramsar/potentially Ramsar sites in Central Asia through partnerships and collaborations Read More »

The 50th Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention – 2 February 2021

On February 2, 2021, the public environmental organization “Naurzum” with the support of the Ramsar Regional Initiative of Central Asia (RRI-CA) and the participation of the Naurzum Nature Reserve conducted a meeting with students of the 8th and 9th grades of the Dokuchayevskaya high school of ecological direction, dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary …

The 50th Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention – 2 February 2021 Read More »

Uzbekistan, National report, 2021

Monitoring of the ecological condition of Lake Dengizkul. Promoting the effective conservation and wise use of existing and future Ramsar Sites in the country and CA regionрегионе. Communication and awareness, and capacity building.

Turkmenistan, National report, 2021

Task 1: Threats to Altyn-Kol lake according to measures to mitigate negative anthropogenic impacts. Task 2: Preparation of the Nomination Dossier for the Altyn-Kol Ramsar Site in Turkmenistan.

Kazakhstan, National Report, 2021

Task 1: Preparation of a report on threats to “Lakes in the lower reaches of the Irgiz and Turgai rivers” and the “Kulikol-Taldykol lake system” according to the measure on preparation of measures to mitigate negative anthropogenic impacts for the conservation of the Ramsar and potential Ramsar sites. Task 2: Carrying out three works on …

Kazakhstan, National Report, 2021 Read More »

Kyrgyzstan, National Report, 2021

On threats to Lake Issyk-Kul according to the measure on the preparation of measures to mitigate negative anthropogenic impacts on the preservation of Ramsar and potential Ramsar sites.

Rethinking water in Central Asia: the costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation

A study conducted by Adelphi and CAREC within the framework of the Swiss Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative presents the cost of inaction related to water management in Central Asian countries. The region is experiencing growing competition over water resources and their use for irrigation and hydropower generation. Despite a general political commitment to cooperation, …

Rethinking water in Central Asia: the costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation Read More »

Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins; Preparing Bankable Projects

The paper allows countries sharing transboundary river basins and RBOs to better understand the climate financing landscape and how to prepare bankable projects. It explains the importance of taking a transboundary approach to address climate change and discusses the challenges and opportunities for RBOs confronted with the task of carrying out their mandate in the …

Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins; Preparing Bankable Projects Read More »

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