February 23, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Today marks a significant milestone in Turkmenistan’s journey towards sustainable development as the UN-Private Sector Partnerships Platform was officially launched. The inauguration ceremony, held in UN premises, signifies a collaborative effort between the United Nations, private businesses, and key stakeholders to prioritize national development goals, Agenda 2030, and SDGs.

The event was attended by key stakeholders, including representatives from UN Agencies in Turkmenistan, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, ambassadors and staff from embassies in the country, heads and representatives from international organizations in Turkmenistan, and members of the country’s private sector.

The establishment of the platform provides a crucial forum for constructive dialogue and collaboration on sustainable development challenges. By facilitating discussions on key topics, the platform aims to foster innovative solutions that drive meaningful progress in Turkmenistan. It is designed to complement existing efforts and initiatives, providing a centralized hub for sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources.

“The establishment of the UN-Private Sector Partnerships Platform represents country’s private businesses’ commitment to inclusive and sustainable development,” said Mr. Dmitry SHLAPACHENKO, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan. “Through collaboration and partnership, we can overcome challenges and work towards a brighter future for all.”

The central theme of the launch event was the importance of private sector involvement in the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and SDGs. Several speakers echoed the idea that by harnessing  innovation, resources, and expertise of private businesses, Turkmenistan can accelerate progress toward its sustainable development.

Moving forward, the platform will play a vital role in shaping the country’s development agenda and driving tangible outcomes. Regular meetings and discussions will ensure that stakeholders remain engaged and informed, fostering a culture of collaboration and sharing.


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