The UK government is supporting CONNEX ­-  a global initiative which provides emerging economies with negotiation support (technical, legal, financial, environmental) for complex investment contracts. CONNEX is available to the five countries of Central Asia and is being funded, implemented through a new regional programme, “Climate Energy and Water Security in Central Asia” (CEW-CA). The UK is working in partnership with the German government’s regional programme, “Climate Risk Management in Central Asia”, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German federal enterprise for international cooperation).

As a first step, a team from CONNEX will visit three of the five countries of the region – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan – on 16–20 September 2024. The aim is to gauge the governments’ interest in strengthening their capacity to negotiate investments with a particular focus on climate related infrastructure including renewable energy.

The CONNEX visit will include:

  • High level meetings with national partners to discuss CONNEX’s applicability in the region and highlight sectors that could benefit from its support.
  • Working closely with national stakeholders to identify specific investment projects that could benefit from CONNEX support.
  • Identifying (cross) sectoral issues in discussion with local partners.

CONNEX delegation will visit Kazakhstan on 16-17 September and meet with government officials, industry leaders and other stakeholders.

For further information, please contact:
Mr Azamat Tashev, Climate Policy and Programme Manager, FCDO/ British Embassy Tashkent (; +998 90 9798411), and
Mr Bekzat Anarbekov, Climate Change Advisor of the regional project “Climate Risk Management in Central Asia” (

Reference: The CONNEX (Contract Negotiation Support) initiative was established in 2014 by the G7 countries to support governments in developing countries. It provides independent, multidisciplinary experts for short periods of time to partner countries on request. These experts support local teams in preparing and negotiating a single, clearly defined project. In this way, CONNEX helps strengthen governments’ negotiating positions on large investment contracts and negotiate them on an equal footing. The initiative also helps mobilize analytical support for contract reviews.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) places sustainable development at the centre of the UK’s foreign policy, to reduce poverty; address climate change; promote inclusive economic development and reinvigorate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our approach goes beyond aid and brings the combined power of the UK’s global economic, scientific, security and diplomatic strengths to our development partnerships.  In Central Asia, the UK aims to support a more resilient, independent, stable, prosperous and connected region, a more open, inclusive society and a greener economy.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German federal enterprise for international cooperation) is a German federal company operating in 130 countries worldwide. GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. It also engaged in international education and awareness-raising work around the globe and helps people and societies to improve their prospects and living conditions.

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