To maintain clean air and reduce the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment, two programs have been developed, the press service of the head of state reported .

The first is the National Program for Combating Dust Storms and Mitigating Their Consequences for 2024-2030. This document provides for a phased, complete ban on the sale and use of fuel below the Euro-4 standard (the president ordered to abandon AI-80 gasoline from 2025). To this end, the Bukhara and Fergana oil refineries will be modernized to produce high-quality fuel.

is a program of measures aimed at improving the quality of atmospheric air in Tashkent, according to which, over the next 5 years, green belts and parks will be created in the capital and surrounding areas of the Tashkent region on an area of ​​441 hectares.

In order to streamline the work on sanitary cleaning, it is proposed to create an Agency for Waste Management and Development of the Circular Economy on the basis of the existing center (a commission with this name was created in January ). It is planned to introduce a rating system for enterprises on sanitary cleaning, dividing them into three categories depending on their efficiency indicators.

It is envisaged to establish a requirement according to which, when designing newly constructed buildings more than 12 meters high or with a total area of ​​more than 500 square meters, at least 25% of the adjacent territory must be landscaped.

In addition, industrial enterprises that have a significant impact on the environment will be required to create green belts. These requirements are already reflected in the presidential decree of November 23, 2023 and were supposed to come into force on March 1 of this year.

In order to prevent environmental violations and strengthen public control in this area, it is proposed to establish the honorary title of “Honored Ecologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in order to encourage active and proactive citizens.

The President was also provided with information on accession to the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Aziz Abdukhakimov.

Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Aziz Abdukhakimov.

It is proposed to introduce an article into the Code of Administrative Liability on failure to comply with air quality protection requirements at construction sites. It is also planned to tighten financial sanctions for fines for cutting down and intentionally drying trees, illegal extraction of sand and gravel from river beds, and dumping waste in unauthorized places.

The Cabinet of Ministers issued a decree on May 27, 2019, introducing an eco-labeling system in the country. Now, in accordance with the international standard ISO 14024, voluntary eco-labeling of products and services called Yashil belgi (Green Label) will be introduced.

In addition, it is planned to approve industry schedules for the installation of automated monitoring stations, dust and gas cleaning equipment and local water treatment facilities at 2,336 enterprises.

A Green Charitable Fund without the status of a legal entity will be created under the Ministry of Ecology , which will be managed under public control. The possibility of voluntary charitable deductions “Green Payment” for tree planting will be introduced in the applications of electronic payment systems. This fund and payment were also mentioned in the November decree of the president.