September 20 marks World Clean Up Day, a significant international initiative aimed at uniting society in the fight for a clean environment. Kazakhstan is actively participating in the World Clean Up Day campaign, which will take place this year on September 21 and will cover all regions of the country. In an official statement from the Ministry of Ecology of Kazakhstan, citizens are encouraged to actively participate in the event and contribute to the common cause, reports a correspondent of the Kazinform agency.

Photo: Astana akimdigi

In addition to participating in international initiatives, Kazakhstan is conducting its own large-scale campaigns to clean up the country’s territory. Thus, since the beginning of April, with the support of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the republican environmental campaign “Taza Kazakhstan” has been held. This initiative has already gathered more than 3 million participants who are cleaning up hundreds of thousands of yards, collecting over one million tons of garbage. President Tokayev in his Address to the People of Kazakhstan highly appreciated the success of the campaign and emphasized its importance for the formation of a new public ethic and culture of caring for nature.

Saturday clean-up
Photo: Akorda
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Photo: Akorda

— Over the course of several months, about 3 million people took part in the event. This creative initiative united citizens. Thanks to such initiatives, a new quality of our nation is being formed. This is true patriotism and concern for the Motherland, — the Head of State said.

The President also stressed that this initiative should not be temporary. Caring for the cleanliness of the environment should become a daily norm for every resident of the country. He expressed hope that the desire for cleanliness and order will become an integral feature of the country’s population.

Thus, World Cleanup Day and the “Taza Kazakhstan” campaign become a symbol of the unity of the people in caring for nature, emphasizing the importance of developing an environmental culture in the country.

Photo: video frame

Also, within the framework of “Taza Kazakhstan”, the Jibek Joly TV channel launched a large-scale television project “Taza Kala”. The film crew of the program visits large and small cities of Kazakhstan, talks about their cleanliness and places requiring improvement. Journalists meet with local residents, volunteers actively involved in the environmental life of the regions, and get acquainted with the work of public utilities.

Following the show, experts give cities marks based on their cleanliness. Thus, Kostanay received 22 points out of 30 possible, Almaty – 25 points, and Zhezkazgan – only 7.


Photo: Jibek Joly

One of the cities visited by journalists was Kostanay . This is an industrial region with a rich history and a desire for cleanliness.

It is noted that residents of Kostanay actively participate in the improvement of the city. Among them is a local resident Larisa, who plants flowers and plants in her yard for free. In her opinion, the environment reflects the inner world of a person.

Footballer Nurbol Zhumaskaliyev noted the renovations to the park, which has become even more comfortable thanks to the new infrastructure. However, not all areas of the city are in such good condition. Local residents, such as Olga Knyagina, raise the issue of landfills and unauthorized dumps, noting that the city landfill is 90% full, and a solution to this problem has not yet been found.

The city also faces problems with waste disposal. According to residents, unauthorized dumps often appear on the outskirts of the city, which need to be monitored using CCTV cameras. The regional akim Kumar Aksakalov confirms the need to expand the landfill, but also points out the responsibility of citizens to independently remove large waste.

Kostanay also has a successful example of waste recycling — a plant that processes old tires into surfaces for sports and children’s playgrounds. The enterprise plans to expand, thanks to government support and the Zhasyl Damu program.


Photo: Alexander Pavsky/ Kazinform

The country’s largest city , located at the foot of the Zailiysky Alatau, stands out not only for its cultural and scientific significance, but also for the growing level of environmental awareness among its population. Residents actively participate in programs to improve courtyards and public spaces, such as the “People’s Participation Budget,” which has transformed courtyards in the Almalinsky and Nauryzbaysky districts.

One of the key projects being implemented in Almaty is the cleaning of Lake Karasu, which has been littered and silted up for many years. Now the city authorities are working on its restoration. In parallel, new areas are being actively cleaned and improved, in particular, the Kalkaman microdistrict, which had previously turned into an ownerless territory.

Almaty is actively developing environmental education centers. City residents can hand in their garbage, separating it by type – plastic, glass, aluminum. The city’s first eco-hub also teaches residents how to recycle waste into useful products. For example, the center’s employees make chairs from 17 thousand plastic caps, which helps residents understand the importance of conscious consumption and recycling.

The metropolis has a developed system of separate waste collection, however, despite this, there are cases when all the waste is collected in one container. After that, it is sent for sorting at the landfill, which is a temporary measure.

Local entrepreneurs are also contributing to improving the environmental situation. The owner of a coffee business in the Alma-Arasan gorge offers activists free coffee for every bag of garbage they bring in, which motivates city residents and tourists to participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding nature.


Kirap turgan uyler, kokyska toly kosheler
Photo: still from video

Despite the fact that the waste removal tariff has increased threefold, the city has not become cleaner – residents complain about piles of garbage, untimely removal and a shortage of containers. The problems are aggravated by the dilapidated state of houses and roads.

Some houses built in the 1950s are in a state of disrepair, without heating or sewerage, which poses a serious danger to residents. Environmental activists and city residents note the lack of attention from the authorities to cleaning and improvement.

Public figures and experts of the Taza Kala program emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to improving living conditions in  Zhezkazgan , starting with garbage removal, road repairs and support for old housing stock.

It should be noted that within the framework of the environmental program “Taza Kazakhstan”, the telegram bot @TazaQazBot was launched . Now anyone can use the digital system to bring their request to the authorized body.

To do this, select the “send a request” option in the bot’s main menu, fully describe the essence of the issue, and additionally upload photos or videos. The message will be sent to the local akimat. Then a response will come about the registration of the request and its consideration or execution. Based on the result, the applicant evaluates the work performed on a 5-point system and with the help of a written comment. If the score is below 3 points, the issue will be sent back to the akimat for careful execution.

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