Carbon Footprint: Potential for Central Asia

Dubai – UAE – COP28 CA Pavilion – December 9 – the side event «Carbon Footprint International Alliance: International experience and potential for Central Asia» provided a range of opportunities for Central Asian countries in reporting their results of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon Footprint Italy is the Italian program dedicated to communicate the results of the quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of products and organizations and their reductions.

The carbon footprint is the indicator of a single, albeit crucial, environmental impact category. Low carbon footprint values must not be communicated as a general claim of low environmental impact.

At the side event, the Director of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Department of JSC Zhasyl, Aiman Esekina, presented National Greenhouse Inventory System in Kazakhstan.

The Director of the Carbon Footprint Italy Daniele Pernigotti provided detailed information about the ISO package for Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV). According to him, only ISO provides a full package of standards for a consistent monitoring, reporting, verification and accreditation on GHG.

Dr. Yo-Han Choi, the Senior Researcher of Korea National Cleaner Production Center/Korea institute of Industrial Technology, shared experience of international product environmental footprint in Korea. He said that system transition has to be consistent with the international mutual recognition requirement.

Belinda Mathers, Chief Science and Advisory Officer, reported how a New Zealand company Toitu applies GHG programmes.



The side event is organized by Carbon Footprint Italy.

Video recording –

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