CAREC with International Coca-Cola Foundation solves the problem of lack of irrigation water

CAREC: The problem of lack of irrigation water is being solved in the village of Prigorodnoye

The Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC), with the financial support of the international Coca-Cola Foundation, cleared 2.5 km of earthen canal and 100 meters of it were concreted and 2 water distribution gateways were built. The work was completed within 1.5 months and local farmers began to receive much more water. According to farmer Totugul Ismanova, the main problem was the deplorable state of the first water distribution structure, which is why all farmers could not receive enough irrigation water.

In recent years, the local WUA did not have money to repair canals, and local farmers suffered from water shortages. Today we rejoice that our main canal is concreted and the water is flowing. Previously, this canal was overgrown with reeds, the water stood and did not flow. If the WUA at the beginning of the canal provided water in a volume of 200 liters, then all farmers did not receive water. We all felt the lack of water. I moved to live in the Chu Valley 20 years ago, and 10 ago I started farming. Since then, every year we farmers have helped the WUA to clear canals and remove reeds, and this was scary for me, because we often see different snakes among the reeds. And now we have more access to water, access to irrigation water management.

Gaipov Bektur, Council of WUA “Ak-Chii”, Deputy Chairman:
“In agriculture there are big problems with the irrigation industry, and it is very important for farmers that international organizations such as Coca-Cola, CAREC focus on repairing internal canals. Now that about 150 hectares of land are provided with more water than ever without any wastage, the queue for water among farmers will also move quickly. In fact, due to the deplorable condition of the canals and lack of water, there was also low yield. Without enough water, planted plants will not bear fruit well. Previously, farmers had a longer time to irrigate the land, and the farmer could complete irrigation in 10 days, instead of the norm of 3 days. If we needed to deliver 60 liters of water there, we would be forced to supply 200 liters of water at the beginning of the canal. The losses in this canal were enormous, and the 40 hectares of land below did not have enough water at all. If this project is continued in the next years and the canals are also reconstructed, our farmers will be able to increase their yields and sell more products on the market of other neighboring countries.”

Director of the CAREC branch in Kyrgyzstan, Kuban Matraimov, said that the project is aimed at improving the situation of women in Central Asia and increasing economic independence through access to irrigation water and infrastructure. He noted: “Today we are in the Ak-Chii WUA section of the Alamudun district, this is our pilot WUA. This regional project works in three countries of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. In Kyrgyzstan, we selected 2 WUAs located in the Chui region, and today we are witnessing the completion of the canal rehabilitation work and water supply. The project provides assistance to farmers and training in water-saving technologies, rehabilitation work on on-farm canals. Through this canal, more than 30 hectares of land will be provided with water, where water had not previously reached at all. About 200 hectares are irrigated from this rehabilitated canal behind us and more than 30 hectares of them are behind the road, at the end of this canal. According to the WUA, about 150 farmers will be provided with more and faster water than before.”

Author: Anarkhan Altymyshova

РЭЦЦА: В селе Пригородное решается проблема недостатки поливной воды

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