December 5, 2023 – Tajikistan Pavilion, COP28: Tajikistan presented its detailed climate finance plan at a side event during COP28. The event aimed to showcase Tajikistan’s strategy for achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets and contributing to the global goals of the Paris Agreement.

Representatives from esteemed organizations including the Asian Development Bank, USAID, NDC Partnership, and others joined the event to share success stories and lessons learned in climate financing. Discussions focused on the crucial issue of climate finance for NDC implementation in Tajikistan.

The objectives of the event included presenting Tajikistan’s NDC Climate Finance Plan, identifying areas of cooperation with partners, and facilitating knowledge exchange related to climate investment. Government officials, private sector representatives, and other stakeholders actively participated in the discussions.

At this event, the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Sheralizoda Bahodur Ahmadjon, made an opening speech.

This event emphasized the importance of collaboration to achieve climate objectives. It showcased Tajikistan’s commitment to addressing climate change and leveraging international support for sustainable development.

Through this side event, Tajikistan and its partners paved the way for effective climate finance solutions and accelerated progress toward a sustainable future.

Таджикистан представил план финансирования определяемых на национальном уровне вкладов на Конференции сторон Конвенции ООН об изменении климата


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