FAO planned new webinar on ‘Enhancing Forest Data Transparency for Climate Action’

Discover the power of forest data transparency for climate action

Join our webinar on ‘Enhancing Forest Data Transparency for Climate Action’ to gain invaluable insights from international experts and countries, exploring both the significance of forest data transparency and the challenges hindering its progress.


Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Time: 15:00-16:30 (Rome); 10:00-11:30 (Santiago); 20:00-21:00 (Bangkok)

Languages: English (with simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish)


About the eventhttps://bit.ly/CBIT-Forest2web




Forests are pivotal in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. However, the lack of transparency in forest data poses significant challenges to effective policy-making and monitoring. Transparent forest data is crucial for informed decision-making and sustainable management practices. To address this gap, FAO and GEF are launching the second phase of the CBIT-Forest project, aimed at accelerating capacity-building, knowledge-sharing, and awareness-raising globally.


Join this webinar for an opportunity to:

  • Dive deep into the importance of forest data transparency for climate action with insights from international experts and countries.
  • Gain valuable insights into the challenges and barriers hindering transparency in the forest sector.
  • Learn about strategies employed by countries to enhance capacity-building, knowledge-sharing, and awareness-raising in forest data transparency.
  • Explore opportunities for collaboration and partnerships to drive forward transparency efforts.
  • Get a comprehensive overview of FAO/GEF’s new CBIT-Forest II project and its anticipated outcomes.



Opening “Overview of the importance of meeting the provisions of the ETF and forest data transparency”

  • Zhimin Wu, Director, Forestry Division, FAO;
  • Xuehong Wang, Manager of UN Climate Change’s Transparency Division, UNFCCC;
  • Chizuru Aoki, Lead Environmental Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Pannel discussion with experts in forest and climate data management “Sharing insights on the challenges and opportunities in enhancing forest data transparency”.

  • José Armando Alanís de la Rosa, Gerencia de Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo Forestal, Coordinación General de Planeación e Información, Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR), Mexico;
  • Peter Nduati, Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Kenya;
  • Julian Fox, Senior Forestry Officer, Team Leader Forest Monitoring and Data Platforms, FAO Forestry Division;
  • Pascal Martinez, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Introducing the FAO/GEF project “Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest): accelerating capacity-building, knowledge-sharing, and awareness-raising.”

  • Rocío Cóndor, Forestry Officer, FAO Forestry Division.

Closing remarks

  • Tiina Vähänen, Deputy Director, FAO Forestry Division.


The event is moderator by Maryia Kukharava, Project Officer (Programme, Advocacy and Outreach), FAO Forestry Division.


Rocio Condor (Rocio.Condor@fao.org);

Maryia Kukharava (Maryia.Kukharava@fao.org)

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