Promotion of the Nexus Game at Central Asian Universities: Kazakhstan

Astana, Kazakhstan – On April 2, the Nexus Game was organized at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) within the framework of the discipline “Integrated Water Resources Management”. The game was attended by 1st year undergraduates of the Faculty of Natural Sciences specializing in Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources.

The game has become an effective tool for understanding the basics of managing water, energy and food resources in order to achieve sustainable development in the region. The participants actively worked to meet the water needs of the population, industry and agriculture, while simultaneously finding solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.

“Conservation and rational use of water resources have become relevant at the moment. And the Nexus game is the tool that contributes to the understanding of water resources management for energy and food production, while maintaining ecological balance,” said Layla Akbayeva, Professor of the Department of Management and Engineering in the Field of Environmental Protection, L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

Analyzing various scenarios of the seasons, the students mastered the methods of rational use of water resources to ensure the well-being of the population. In addition, the participants of the game discussed the management of transboundary water bodies located downstream and upstream, and reached a compromise in joint use.

Brief reference

The Nexus Simulation was developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the “Sustainable Energy for All” Initiative. The history of its implementation in the Central Asian region began in 2018 within the framework of the EU project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” implemented by CAREC. The game represents a facilitated process of playing 5 different scenarios for developing the territories upstream and downstream while addressing water needs of population, industry and agriculture and taking into account climate change challenges. Currently, the Nexus Game is actively promoted by CAREC in universities, academies, basin organizations and media in Central Asia with with funding from the EU and USAID.

Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Program Manager, CAREC,


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