Information on holding events dedicated to the World Wetlands Protection Day by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Kyrgyz Republic

Employees of the Issyk-Kul and Karatal-Zhapyryk state nature reserves of the Kyrgyz Republic on the World Wetlands Day (February 2) and in connection with the anniversary (50th anniversary) of the Ramsar Convention, under the motto “Wetlands and Water” have conducted talks, lectures about wetlands and their importance, about the Ramsar Convention, showed video slides, distributed booklets to high schools of Naryn city (№ 5 named after K. Zhakypov among students of 7-8-9-10 grades, № 9 named after A. Sadykov, № 4 named after E. Ibraev, boarding school named after U. Asanov, №8 named after Arstanbek Buylash uulu ) and to secondary schools of At-Bashinsky, Kochkor, Naryn districts, bordering with the nature reserve areas and to students of 8-10 grades in Tong district of Ulakhol village. Also on February 1, 2021, an essay contest was held among students in 9-11 grades of the Son-Kul secondary school in the Tolok village of Kochkor District on the topic: “Wetlands and Water. Based on the results of the contest, the winners were awarded certificates, and incentive prizes and teachers who assisted in the contest were also awarded letters of thanks.

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