NRGI comments on Ghana’s Exploration and Production Law

Question 1.1.9a: Is the government required to publicly disclose all signed licenses/contracts with extractive companies?, 1.1.5a: Following each licensing process, is the licensing authority required to disclose the list of companies that submitted license applications (in the case of a first-come, first served; or negotiation round) or bids (in the case of an auction)?, 1.1.5b: Following …

NRGI comments on Ghana’s Exploration and Production Law Read More »

level of national debt

Question 2.1.5a: Does the government publicly disclose the level of national debt?

Angola Despacho conjunto No. 38-96 full text online version

Question 2.2b: Are there specific rules governing the transfer of extractive resource revenues (i.e. are these rules distinct from those governing other types of transfers)?, 2.2c: Do rules specify that subnational governments of producing areas should receive a higher share of extractive resource revenues than those of non-producing areas?

Audit Act 1957

Question 2.2.5a: Were transfers of extractive resource revenues to subnational governments externally audited over the most recently completed audit timeframe?, 1.2.6c: Is the national tax authority required to periodically be audited by an external body?, 2.2.4a: Do rules require that an external body periodically audit the transfers of extractive resource revenues to subnational governments?

taxe redevance

Question 1.2.5f: Who is the tax authority (i.e. who has the authority to collect taxes and payments from extractive companies)?, 2.2.1a: Do rules specify which subnational agencies receive the extractive resource revenues transferred from the central government?

The Mineral Resources Law of the People’s Republic of China

Question 1.1a: How does the country legally define the ownership of subsoil extractive resources?, 1.1.4b: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose a list of biddable or negotiable terms?, 1.1.3d: Is the licensing authority independent from the SOE?

Department of Geological Survey

Question 1.1.2d: Does the publicly available registry of licenses/contracts give the names of companies that hold an interest in a given area/block?, 1.1.1c: Is the data disclosed on extractive resource reserves machine-readable?, 1.1.1b: How up-to-date is the publicly disclosed data on extractive resource reserves?

Sudan Constitution of 2005

Question 1.1.7a: Are senior public officials required to publicly disclose their financial holdings in extractive companies?

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