Question 1.1a: How does the country legally define the ownership of subsoil extractive resources?
Export oil value
Question 1.2.2a: Does the government publicly disclose data on the value of extractive resource exports?, 2.1.1c: Is the data contained in the online data portal machine-readable?
Términos de Uso SIPG
Question 2.1.1d: Is the data contained in the online data portal available under an open license?
Government Press Release on signing of PSCs
Question 1.1.10a: From 2015 onwards, has the government publicly disclosed signed licences/contracts?
Règles de surveillance multilatérales et pro cyclicité de la politique budgétaire dans la zone CEMAC
Question 2.1.2a: Does the country have a numerical fiscal rule?
Petroleum Regulations
Question 1.1.9a: Is the government required to publicly disclose all signed licenses/contracts with extractive companies?, 1.1.5d: Are there rules that companies can follow to appeal licensing decisions?, 1.3.3b: Is there a requirement for environmental mitigation management plans to be publicly disclosed?, 1.2.5c: Do rules specify the level of state equity (or options for state equity …
Tarija_ YPFB negocia contratos de exploración sin licitación previa _ plataformaenergetica
Question 1.1.4b: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose a list of biddable or negotiable terms?, 1.1.4c: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the rules governing the licensing process, such as auction or negotiation rules?
Resettlement of Human Communities in the System of Environmental Evaluation
Question 1.3.7b: Are there specific procedures governing the resettlement of land users when project development interferes with their access to or use of land?
Uzbekneftegaz NHC Balance Sheet with income statement for 1st quarter of 2016
Question 1.4.5e: Does the SOE’s most recent public annual report include an income statement?
Cinco preguntas sobre el Fondo de Estabilización Fiscal (FEF)
Question 2.3a: Does the country have a natural resource fund which is funded by extractive resource revenues?, 2.3b: If there are multiple natural resource funds, which is the largest?