Question 1.3.2a: From 2015 onwards, have EIAs and/or SIAs been publicly disclosed?
Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997
Question 1.1a: How does the country legally define the ownership of subsoil extractive resources?
SA’s sovereign wealth fund off the table
Question 2.3a: Does the country have a natural resource fund which is funded by extractive resource revenues?
Libya tax highlights
Question 2.1a: When does the country’s fiscal year start and end?
Petroleum Statistics – Saudi Arabia Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Question 1.1.1a: Does the government publicly disclose data on extractive resource reserves?
Primer on Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement
Question 1.1.4c: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the rules governing the licensing process, such as auction or negotiation rules?
Decree of President of Uzbekistan “On Account Chamber”
Question 2.1.2b: Do rules require that an external body periodically monitor the government’s adherence to the numerical fiscal rule?, 2.3.5c: Do rules require an external body to periodically audit the sovereign wealth fund’s annual financial reports?
Annonce publiée au JORT N° 78 du 1er juillet 2014
Question 1.4.9d: Does the SOE publicly disclose a list of its subsidiaries?
General Tax Law
Question 1.2.6b: Is the national tax authority required to audit extractive companies?
Budget 2016 au Gabon
Question 2.3b: If there are multiple natural resource funds, which is the largest?