Question 1.2.1a: Does the government publicly disclose data on the volume of extractive resource production?, 1.2.1c: Is the data disclosed on the volume of extractive resource production machine-readable?
Relatorio de Contas da ENH_2012
Question 1.4c: What is the name of the largest company in which the government has a controlling share (i.e. an SOE)?
Gas Production 2003-2012 Central Informatics Organization
Question 2.1.1a: Does the government have an online data portal containing publicly available data on reserves, production and exports?
Hounde Gold Operation S.A.
Question 1.1.10b: Has the government publicly disclosed all active licenses/contracts, regardless of when they were signed?, 1.3.4a: From 2015 onwards, have environmental mitigation management plans been publicly disclosed?, 1.1.6b: From 2015 onwards, and after each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the identity of the winning bidder/applicant?, 1.1.10a: From 2015 onwards, has the …
Environmental Assessment Proclamation No 299/2002
Question 1.3.1a: Are extractive companies required to prepare an EIA and/or SIA prior to development?, 1.3.5a: Do rules require the government to set penalties (i.e. fines, license suspension or license revocation) for non-compliance with environmental mitigation management plans?
Exceptional diamond deal suggests flaws in De Beers, Botswana relationship
Question 1.4.9c: Does the SOE publicly disclose the costs and revenues deriving from its participation in joint ventures?, 1.4.2a: Does the government publicly disclose how much revenue it receives from the SOE?
Provision of Consultancy Services to Provide a GSM Sector Audit for the LRA
Question 1.2.7a: Was the national tax authority audited over the most recently completed audit timeframe?
Instruction on Strengthening and Collection of Royalty from Construction Materials Mining in Capital City and Provinces
Question 2.2b: Are there specific rules governing the transfer of extractive resource revenues (i.e. are these rules distinct from those governing other types of transfers)?, 2.2a: Does the central government transfer extractive resource revenues to subnational governments?
GOC website – Homepage (under construction)
Question 1.4.10a: Does the SOE have a publicly available code of conduct?, 1.4.9a: Does the SOE publicly disclose its participation in joint ventures?, 1.4.4a: From 2015 onwards, did the SOE engage in non-commercial activities (e.g. payments for social services, public infrastructure, fuel subsidies, national debt servicing)?, 1.4b: Does the SOE receive a production share or in-kind …
Charter of Fiscal Responsibility
Question 2.1.2a: Does the country have a numerical fiscal rule?, 2.1.3b: Was the government’s adherence to the fiscal rule externally monitored over the most recently completed audit timeframe?