Application Guidelines 5th licensing round

Question 1.1.4c: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the rules governing the licensing process, such as auction or negotiation rules?

Invitation to apply for petroleum production licence

Question 1.1.4b: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose a list of biddable or negotiable terms?, 1.1.4c: From 2015 onwards, and prior to each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the rules governing the licensing process, such as auction or negotiation rules?


Question 1.1.10c: Who has the primary authority to monitor compliance with the operational aspects of licenses/contracts?, 1.3.6a: From 2015 onwards, have the procedures governing rehabilitation and closure of extractive projects been adhered to?

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