Workshop on Climate Risk Management: Transboundary Chu and Chon-Kemin River Basin

On June 19, a seminar on transboundary water basins is being held in Taraz (Kazakhstan): the Shu-Chon-Kemin river basin.

The seminar was organized within the framework of the project “Climate Risk Assessment and Capacity Development” (CRDA), implemented within the framework of the GIZ program “Climate Risk Management in Central Asia”, in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The task is being implemented by the international consulting company NIRAS together with the Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC).

The project involves a series of transboundary activities at the country level to identify and assess climate risks for each of the selected transboundary water basins, in particular for Isfayram-say (Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan), Shakhimardan (Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan), Zarafshan (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) , Chon-Kemin/Chu River (Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan) and Murgab (Turkmenistan).

The seminar in Taraz is moderated by international expert Magda Stepanyan and national project consultant   Azamat Kauazov . Presentations on general characteristics (geography, climate, water resources and socio-demographic situation) of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are presented, as well as a presentation of the methodology for assessing risks and hazards, the impact on sectors and services, vulnerable groups.

Based on the climate risks assessed for each water basin, the project will contribute to the development of climate change adaptation measures (CCA) for each water basin. The Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) is carried out in accordance with the GIZ Climate Risk Handbook, adapted for work in transboundary river basins. The following stages are implemented: defining the scope of work, collecting data and information, identifying risks, analysis and assessment, and selecting adaptation measures. In addition, the topics “Monitoring and Evaluation” and “Communication” will be part of the final ROC report.

Workshops on transboundary water basins will promote transboundary cooperation, with a particular focus on identifying and analyzing hazards and vulnerabilities exacerbated by climate change.

Additional Information:

Irina Bekmirzaeva , CAREC program manager “Climate Change and Sustainable Energy” (CSEC),


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