
Locusts in CCA – Bulletin N.69

Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development continued in Azerbaijan and Georgia and finished in most Central Asia (CA) countries followed by fledging, mating and egg-laying. In many countries, particularly in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, anti-locust campaign was seriously hampered by COVID-19, and some DMA infestations were not treated in time.


Locusts in CCA – Bulletin N.70

Favored by hot and dry weather, Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development accelerated in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russian Federation and mating and egg-laying took place in the second half of the month.

Environment, hydrometeorology and ecosystems

Caspian Sea countries take stock and lay out new ambitions to tackle environmental challenges

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Caspian Sea countries take stock and lay out new ambitions to tackle environmental challenges Read More »

Environment, hydrometeorology and ecosystems

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Dryland Sustainable Landscapes

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Climate change

Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program

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Environment, hydrometeorology and ecosystems

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Congo Basin Sustainable Landscapes

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