Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins; Preparing Bankable Projects

The paper allows countries sharing transboundary river basins and RBOs to better understand the climate financing landscape and how to prepare bankable projects. It explains the importance of taking a transboundary approach to address climate change and discusses the challenges and opportunities for RBOs confronted with the task of carrying out their mandate in the …

Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins; Preparing Bankable Projects Read More »

Central Asia Water & Energy Program

Central Asia is a dynamic and geographically diverse region enjoying steady economic growth and new development opportunities. A key element in the continued growth, prosperity, stability and well-being of the population is the smart management of the region’s energy and water resources. The Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP) recognizes that strengthened water and …

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Stocktaking review and mapping of water-related knowledge and capacity building initiatives by international partners in Central Asian countries

Central Asia is among the most sensitive regions in terms of water resources, which creates many challenges from social, economic, and geopolitical perspectives. Its geography and uneven distribution of water resources made the governments of all CA countries put the issue of access to water and its management at the top of their agendas. Accelerating …

Stocktaking review and mapping of water-related knowledge and capacity building initiatives by international partners in Central Asian countries Read More »

Central Asia: Towards Water-Secure Sustainable Economies

In the face of increased resource pressures and a changing climate, continued economic growth, human well-being, and regional stability require more sustainable management of the region’s water resources. This brochure outlines the major water security challenges of Central Asia and presents an agenda for national and regional action.

COVID-19 highlights the need for access to clean water

As healthcare workers across the globe unanimously promoted frequent handwashing as the most effective element in preventing COVID-19, Viloyat Valieva, a 48-year-old teacher from Laboba, Khatlon, grew more concerned about hers and her fellow-villagers’ disproportionate vulnerability to the disease due to lack of access to clean water.

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