Stocktaking review and mapping of water-related knowledge and capacity building initiatives by international partners in Central Asian countries

Central Asia is among the most sensitive regions in terms of water resources, which creates many challenges from social, economic, and geopolitical perspectives. Its geography and uneven distribution of water resources made the governments of all CA countries put the issue of access to water and its management at the top of their agendas. Accelerating …

Stocktaking review and mapping of water-related knowledge and capacity building initiatives by international partners in Central Asian countries Read More »

Central Asia: Towards Water-Secure Sustainable Economies

In the face of increased resource pressures and a changing climate, continued economic growth, human well-being, and regional stability require more sustainable management of the region’s water resources. This brochure outlines the major water security challenges of Central Asia and presents an agenda for national and regional action.

Droughts and Welfare in Afghanistan

This paper studies the effect of the 2018 drought on household consumption and poverty in Afghanistan, a semi-arid and conflict-affected country. The paper combines geolocated household data with remote-sensing weather data on precipitation, vegetation, and temperature. The findings show that drought-like conditions decreased monthly per capita consumption expenditures and hence increased poverty, with a highly …

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NASA Measures Underground Water Flowing From Sierra to Central Valley

In a recent study, scientists found that a previously unmeasured source – water percolating through soil and fractured rock below California’s Sierra Nevada mountains – delivers an average of 4 million acre-feet (5 cubic kilometers) of water to the state’s Central Valley each year. This underground source accounts for about 10% of all the water …

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Water Mission to Gauge Alaskan Rivers on Front Lines of Climate Change

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory While Alaska straddles the Arctic Circle and is covered by vast expanses of frozen land, the state also has a lot of liquid water. In fact, Alaska holds about 40% of U.S. surface water resources. This includes more than 12,000 rivers, thousands more streams and creeks, and hundreds of thousands of …

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Climate dilemmas in Central Asia

The climate change situation will lead to inevitable detrimental consequences for Tajikistan through current glacier melting and water source issues. Serious economic issues and poverty are being currently experienced in Tajikistan, which takes the focus of the government’s monetary police away from climate centered projects.

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