Relieving water stress by optimizing crop structure is a practicable approach in arid transboundary rivers of Central Asia

With the challenges of arid transboundary river water management among Central Asian countries, it is important to evaluate the water stress and propose practicable climate adaptation strategies. This study used the Syr Darya Basin (SDB) in a Central Asia data-scarce region as the study area and, conducted the first quantified analysis of the spatiotemporal characteristics …

Relieving water stress by optimizing crop structure is a practicable approach in arid transboundary rivers of Central Asia Read More »

Assessment of lake area in response to climate change at varying elevations: A case study of Mt. Tianshan, Central Asia

Changes in lake area (water surface area) are often considered accurate and sensitive representations of climate change. However, the role that elevation plays in this dynamic is somewhat unclear; studies remain inconclusive as to whether lake responses are consistent across elevation gradients. Here, we used Landsat and keyhole satellite images to quantify lake area changes from …

Assessment of lake area in response to climate change at varying elevations: A case study of Mt. Tianshan, Central Asia Read More »

Regional Report on implementation of RRI-CA Plan from July 1 to September 30, 2020

The Central Asia region is characterized by the dynamic condition of the sites of wetlands occurring due to the arid climate conditions, which causes significant changes in water level and the projective surface of water basins. At the same time, changes in the sites of wetlands in one of the countries of the region may …

Regional Report on implementation of RRI-CA Plan from July 1 to September 30, 2020 Read More »

Wetlands and their significance for the sustainable development of society

The official date of accession of Turkmenistan to The Ramsar  Convention was on July 3, 2009. By joining the international Convention, the government of Turkmenistan has expressed its readiness for the conservation and rational use of wetlands. Thanks to the purposeful and consistent policy of the President of Turkmenistan, respected Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, a lot of …

Wetlands and their significance for the sustainable development of society Read More »

Information on holding events dedicated to the World Wetlands Protection Day by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Kyrgyz Republic

Employees of the Issyk-Kul and Karatal-Zhapyryk state nature reserves of the Kyrgyz Republic on the World Wetlands Day (February 2) and in connection with the anniversary (50th anniversary) of the Ramsar Convention, under the motto “Wetlands and Water” have conducted talks, lectures about wetlands and their importance, about the Ramsar Convention, showed video slides, distributed …

Information on holding events dedicated to the World Wetlands Protection Day by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

An innovative approach for the sustainable and wise use of Ramsar/potentially Ramsar sites in Central Asia through partnerships and collaborations

This is a national report on the innovative approach for sustainable use of the Ramsar /Potentially Ramsar in Central Asia through partnership and cooperation specifically in the territory of Uzbekistan. Within the article are mentioned 5 main problems that must addressed to help the situation of the ecosystem in Uzbekistan: the adaptation of the legal …

An innovative approach for the sustainable and wise use of Ramsar/potentially Ramsar sites in Central Asia through partnerships and collaborations Read More »

The 50th Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention – 2 February 2021

On February 2, 2021, the public environmental organization “Naurzum” with the support of the Ramsar Regional Initiative of Central Asia (RRI-CA) and the participation of the Naurzum Nature Reserve conducted a meeting with students of the 8th and 9th grades of the Dokuchayevskaya high school of ecological direction, dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary …

The 50th Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention – 2 February 2021 Read More »

Uzbekistan, National report, 2021

Monitoring of the ecological condition of Lake Dengizkul. Promoting the effective conservation and wise use of existing and future Ramsar Sites in the country and CA regionрегионе. Communication and awareness, and capacity building.

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