Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Join the Protocol on Water and Health

Currently, the countries of Central Asia are facing a significant deficit of water resources, particularly affecting rural areas. Despite improvements in access to safe drinking water and sanitation conditions in the region’s countries over the past decades, aging infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel, and financial constraints continue to pose obstacles to achieving the United Nations’ …

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Join the Protocol on Water and Health Read More »

Youth Water Challenge 2023: Youth take the challenge!

Transforming Water Resources with Youth: New Horizons and Opportunities! Modern society realizes that water is not only a vital resource, but also a key area that requires immediate and comprehensive solutions. Today, many of us face challenges related to water supply, sanitation and hygiene that directly affect the quality of our lives and the integrity …

Youth Water Challenge 2023: Youth take the challenge! Read More »

Registration for the World Water Week 2023 is open

The Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC) informs about the beginning of registration for the World Water Week 2023 “Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World” World Water Week is a global event held annually in Stockholm, Sweden. It is a unique platform that brings together scientists, experts, decision makers and private …

Registration for the World Water Week 2023 is open Read More »

Kazakhstan suggested building a regional water and energy consortium to address the water scarcity

Kazakhstan’s development and overcoming the challenges facing Central Asia are becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the changing world order. One of the key aspects requiring attention and joint efforts is the problem of water scarcity. In light of this, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu addressed the Asian Security …

Kazakhstan suggested building a regional water and energy consortium to address the water scarcity Read More »

Relieving water stress by optimizing crop structure is a practicable approach in arid transboundary rivers of Central Asia

With the challenges of arid transboundary river water management among Central Asian countries, it is important to evaluate the water stress and propose practicable climate adaptation strategies. This study used the Syr Darya Basin (SDB) in a Central Asia data-scarce region as the study area and, conducted the first quantified analysis of the spatiotemporal characteristics …

Relieving water stress by optimizing crop structure is a practicable approach in arid transboundary rivers of Central Asia Read More »

Regional Report on implementation of RRI-CA Plan from July 1 to September 30, 2020

The Central Asia region is characterized by the dynamic condition of the sites of wetlands occurring due to the arid climate conditions, which causes significant changes in water level and the projective surface of water basins. At the same time, changes in the sites of wetlands in one of the countries of the region may …

Regional Report on implementation of RRI-CA Plan from July 1 to September 30, 2020 Read More »

Wetlands and their significance for the sustainable development of society

The official date of accession of Turkmenistan to The Ramsar  Convention was on July 3, 2009. By joining the international Convention, the government of Turkmenistan has expressed its readiness for the conservation and rational use of wetlands. Thanks to the purposeful and consistent policy of the President of Turkmenistan, respected Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, a lot of …

Wetlands and their significance for the sustainable development of society Read More »

Information on holding events dedicated to the World Wetlands Protection Day by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Kyrgyz Republic

Employees of the Issyk-Kul and Karatal-Zhapyryk state nature reserves of the Kyrgyz Republic on the World Wetlands Day (February 2) and in connection with the anniversary (50th anniversary) of the Ramsar Convention, under the motto “Wetlands and Water” have conducted talks, lectures about wetlands and their importance, about the Ramsar Convention, showed video slides, distributed …

Information on holding events dedicated to the World Wetlands Protection Day by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

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